Monday, December 12, 2011

How to make a gay Scorpio guy fall in love with a gay Virgo guy.?

There is this guy who I like from choir practice (he is gay) and I told him I have a crush on him. But how me a Virgo can make a Scorpio fall in love with me. how can i also show that I like him.How to make a gay Scorpio guy fall in love with a gay Virgo guy.?
what do horoscopes have to do with being gay?

does that mean all virgos and scorpios are gay?

gosh people!How to make a gay Scorpio guy fall in love with a gay Virgo guy.?
ok, first of all you can't make someone fall in love with you, regardless of their zodiac sign. either he has feelings for you in return or he doesn't.

second, to show him that you like him, just subtly flirt with him every now and again. look at him in the eyes and smile a lot. complement him here and there. joke with him and laugh a lot.

but whatever you do, DO NOT come on too strong. oh my god that is the biggest turn off ever! like don't go up to him and be all like ';so have you ever done anything with a guy before?'; or any other sexual questions like that. ugh, that's so creepy. when gay kids in my neighborhood started finding out i was bi, they started doing that to me all the time. it got really annoying. it's like all they wanted from me was my a$$, and that's definitely not the impression you want to leave with the guy you like. it makes you seem desperate.
Just start by asking him out!
does the horoscope really matter??
Sorry to have to break it to you like this, but astrology is the bunk
dude that zodiac stuff is fake

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