Monday, December 12, 2011

How do i make my man fall back in love with me?

we've been living togegher for two years, the first 6 months was full of attention and loving making, now love making is like a favour from him to meHow do i make my man fall back in love with me?
I see nothing in your words that refer to ';love';. All I see is that you aren't ';gettin'; as much as you used to. If that's all love means to you then I suggest you go your seperate ways. If, however, the reduction of sex is just one part of your problems, then seek some professional help.How do i make my man fall back in love with me?
don't... just leave him be...
you can't ,ake him do anything
Hold out. Don't give him any. There is nothing a man wants more than something he thinks he can't have.
You can't make anyone fall in love with you, maybe he has lost interest, reinvent yourself.
sorry sweetheart, you can't make someone fall in love/back in love. if he seems to be uninterested in you, he is. leave him and if he loves you, he'll chase you. everything is always good in the beginning, he was trying to get you. now that he has you, the chase has stopped. some men just like the chase, not the catch (if you get my drift).
men are impressed by ''ada'' of girls . i think u hav to spend a lot of time with him. try to tell him how much u love him. take him to romantic places . tell him how u or he proposes him or u. okay

haneesh (gujrat)
get over it every day is not a honeymoon try collecting stamps
He probably never really loved you in the first place. He lost interest after 6 months? Are you paying him to hang around you or what?
easy to get tired, lasted only 6 months, talk , communicate and find out what's going on. is it a one way deal. is it a give and take relationship. any other person involve? ask if there's anything you can do to make things better .
Love making is just ONE of the expressions of love. It should not be the only measurement of his feelings for you.

If it is truly love that you had at the beginning then it should be growing not dying. Tell him how you feel. If he doesn't change then thank God you are not married to him and just end the relationship.

Faith ~
Thank you allstar_soft...FINALLY someone else who gets it. One cannot truly ';MAKE'; anyone do or feel anything they don't or don't want to.

Rev. Steven
I can probably give you the best advice. Me and my guy lives together too. We are both sexual people so we don't have that problem but I do realize that guys change when you live with them. That's just how it is. I don't know how religious you are but technically we aren't supposed to be living with them until we are married. You can expect for things to happen but just talk to him. Buy sexy lingerie to peak his interest. Once you see that he's interested, give him some every now and then. Not all the time. Make him want you. Every man wants sex as much as they can have it so if you turning up your sex appeal doesn't work then you know some thing's up.

Good luck

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